Ph. D. Eng. Scientific Researcher III

Office address :

Institute of Computer Science
Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch
Boulevard Carol I, 22A, cod 700506, Iasi, Romania
phone: 0040232/241708

Birth date:
  19 December 1957
09/1976 - 06/1981 Master of Science in Computer Science "Gh. Asachi" Technical University Iasi, Romania
11/1997 - 06/2003 PhD in Electronics, "Gh. Asachi" Technical University Iasi,
Ph. D. Thesis Title: "Contributions in speech analysis and synthesis"
  Over 20 years of experience as Scientific Researcher in 1D Signal Processing Laboratory and 10 years of working in Speech Processing Team, especially for the Romanian Text-to-Speech system design.
05/1990 - present Computer Science Research Engineer - Institute of Computer Science
Worked in a team that has developed a Romanian speech synthesis system based on a formantic Klatt synthetizer.
The latest research refers to the Romanian intonation modelling and suited prosodic descriptions in order to annotate the text from the speech synthesizer input.
The research conclusions result in the implementation of a prosodic control module for the Romanian Text-to-Speech system.
Worked in a team that has developed a complex VGA Image Transmission System for Education applications. Designed an algorithm for specific data compression generated by a capture of VGA operations.
Worked in a team that has designed and developed a video CGA card for PCs. Improved the INT 10H BIOS function with the routines for the new graphic modes.
04/1984 - 05/1990 Computer Science Research Engineer - Institute for Computer Techniques Bucharest, Iasi Branch
Worked as software engineer in "Signal 1D Processing" Laboratory.
Designed the software for a Chromatographic signal Analyzer developed on a CP/M machine.
Designed microprograms for an AM2900 family circuits based system.
Implemented FFT algorithms in assembly language on PDP computer.
08/1981 - 04/1984 Computer System Engineer - Computer Center , Focsani, Romania
Implemented improvement in the Symbiont program by adding a new command for saving the print files on the disk. The Symbiont program manages the job execution under SIRIS operating system.
09/1985 - 10/1999 Associate Lecturer in Computer Science - "Gh. Asachi" Technical University, Iasi, Romania
Course taught: "Microprocessor System Architecture".
Programming Languages:
  Z80, INTEL 80x86 assemblers, PASCAL, C++, dBase


1. Jitcă D., Apopei V., Jitcă M., A description language at the accentual unit level for Romanian intonation, Poster and abstract in the booklet at the Conference „LangTech2008", p.45, Roma, 2008.
2. Apopei V., Jitcă D, Intonational Variations for Romanian Yes-No Questions, ECIT2008 - 5th European Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies, 10-12 July 2008, Iasi, Romania.
3. A. Turculeţ, Apopei V., Jitcă D, Variaţia distanţei prozodice în limba română Literară, Atelierul de lucru " Resurse lingvistice şi instrumente pentru prelucrarea limbii române", 19-20 noiembrie 2008
4. Jitcă D., Apopei V., Corpus de voce pentru limba română adnotat cu etichete funcţionale la nivelul unităţilor de accentuare, Atelierul de lucru „Resurse şi Instrumente pentru Limba Romană", p.31-39, Iaşi, 2007
5. Apopei V, Jitcă D, Module for F0 Contour Generation Using as Input a Text Structured by Prosodic Information, SPED2007, Iaşi, Romania.
6. Apopei V, Jitcă D, Schemă XML de adnotare a intonaţiei în cadrul corpusurilor de text, Atelierul de lucru „Resurse şi Instrumente pentru Limba Romană", Iaşi, 2006
7. Apopei V, Jitcă D, A set of Intonational Category for Romanian Speech and Text Annotation ECIT 2006, Iaşi, september 20-23 2006, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Technologies, ISBN 978-973-730-265-6, p.117-124.
8. Apopei V, Jitcă D, Turculeţ A. "Intonational structures in Romanian Yes-No Questions, Jurnal of Compuer Science of Modavia, 2006
9. Apopei V, Jitcă D, Median Filter Implementation for Accelerometer Data Using PIC16C77x Microcontroller, ECIT 2006, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Technologies, ISBN 978-973-730-265-6, p.117-124. Iaşi, 2006.
10. Turculeţ A, Apopei V., Jitcă D., Aspecte ale intonaţiei propoziţiilor interogative totale cu structura VO(Adj), Anuar de Lingvistică şi Istorie Literară, Iaşi. 2005.
11. Apopei V., Jitca D., Romanian Intonational Annotation Based on Tone Sequence Model, SASM, May 5-7, Iaşi, Romania, 2005
12. V. Apopei, D. Jitca, H. N. Teodorescu, Implementation of stress and emotion rendering rules in synthesized speech, SPED 2005, Cluj, Romania
13. V. Apopei, D. Jitcă, F. Grigoraş, Modeling Formantic Transitions in Klatt Speech Synthesizer, Proceedings ECIT-2004 Conference, p. 137-148, Iaşi, România.
14. Jitcă D., Apopei V., "Basic Romanian Language Prosody Analysis and Synthesis", Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Iaşi, Secţia Automatică şi Calculatoare, Tom. XLVIII (LII), Fasc.1-4, pag. 63-75, 2002 .
15. V. Apopei, D. Jitcă, F. Grigoraş, Folosirea trăsăturilor acustice în segmentarea semnalului vocal. Metode de segmentare, SIA-2004, 24-25 Septembrie, 2004, Iasi, Zilele academice ieşene.
16. Jitcă, D., Apopei, V., "Conclusions on Analysis and Synthesis of Large Semivocalic Formantic Transitions", SCS 2003 ( Signal, Circuits and System 2003), iulie, Iaşi, 2003.
17. Jitcă, D., Apopei, V., Teodorescu, H. N., Grigoraş F., Soft computing based speech analysis and synthesis for the Romanian language, Memoriile Secţiilor Ştiinţifice ale Academiei Române, 2001, Vol. 23, 2000, pp.203-230.
18. Jitcă, D., Teodorescu, H., N., Apopei, V., Grigoraş, F., Improved Speech Synthesis Using Fuzzy Methods, Speech Technology Journal 5, Ed. Kluwer, 2002, pp. 227-235.
19. Jitcă, D., Apopei, V., Grigoras, Fl., An ANN-Based Method to Improve the Phonetic Transcription Module of a TtS System for the Romanian Language , in CD-ROM Proc. ECIT 2002 (European Conference on Intelligent Technologies), Iasi, Romania, 2002.
20. Jitcă, D., Apopei, V., Grigoraş, F., Text-to-Speech System for Romanian Language based on Formantic Synthesis, in CD-ROM Proc. ECIT2002 (European Conference on Intelligent Technologies), Iasi, Romania, 2002.
21. Jitcă D., Apopei V., "Basic Romanian Language Prosody Analysis and Synthesis", Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Iaşi, Secţia Automatică şi Calculatoare, Tom. XLVIII (LII), Fasc.1-4, pag. 63-75, 2002 .
22. D. JITCA, I. Ostap, St. Poli, "Real Time Chromatographic Integrator", National Conference on Computer Science-INFO, Iasi, October ,1987.
23. S. Condorovici, D. Jitca, "Intelligent Video Adapter for IBM-PC Computers", National Conference on Computer Science, Bucharest, October 17-19, 1988.
24. F.Grigoras, V. Grigoras, D. Jitca, "Microprogramed system for numerical filtering", "Achievements in Professional Electronics", Symposion, Snagov, September 7-8, 1989.
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